Café Latte With Chocolate Foam Topping Recipe

Café Latte With Chocolate Foam Topping Recipe

Delight in our café latte crowned with velvety chocolate foam, a heavenly combination that transforms your morning coffee into a luxurious experience.

Step 1
Combine chocolate sauce with chilled whipping cream in a 0.5 L Mosa Whipper. Secure with 1 Mosa Cream Charger and shake vigorously until the desired consistency is reached.

Step 2
Froth the milk and pour it into a heat-resistant glass. Gently layer hot espresso on top, followed by the chocolate foam.

Step 3
For a 1 L Whipper, double the ingredients and use 2 Mosa Cream Chargers, shaking vigorously after each attachment. For a 0.25 L Whipper, halve the ingredients.
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