Gin Hits The Berry Recipe

Gin Hits The Berry Recipe


20ml lime juice

14g ginger

25ml raspberry juice

40ml gin

25ml egg white

This cocktail is a berry lover's dream, blending gin with the freshest seasonal berries for a sweet and aromatic sip.

Step 1
Fill Mosa Stainless Steel Soda Siphonor Soda Siphon with cold water, screw on 1 Mosa Soda Charger, and shake vigorously. Refrigerate for extra sparkle.

Step 2
Add ice to a shaker with raspberries, ginger, and other ingredients. Mix, pour into a glass, and top with soda from the Mosa device.

Step 3
Garnish the glass with whole, fresh raspberries and slices of fresh ginger. Finally, finish it off with fresh soda from the Mosa Stainless Steel Soda Siphon.
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