New York Cheesecake Cappuccino Recipe

New York Cheesecake Cappuccino Recipe


150ml milk

150g cream cheese, full fat

150ml whipping cream

50g gingerbread syrup

Indulge in this creamy cappuccino infused with the flavors of New York cheesecake—a dessert lover's dream in a cup.

Step 1
Combine all ingredients, except the cream, in a blender and blend until smooth.

Step 2
Gently fold in the cream, then pour the mixture into a 0.5 L Mosa Whip using the Mosa Funnel & Sieve. Attach one Mosa Professional Charger and shake 4 to 8 times until the desired consistency is reached.

Step 3
Serve as a creamy topping on an espresso, replacing traditional milk foam for a rich, velvety finish.
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