Parmesan Espuma Recipe

Parmesan Espuma Recipe


360ml milk
2 pinches of salt
210g parmesan
2 pinches of pepper
125ml Whipping cream

Creamy Parmesan espuma elevates dishes with its rich, cheesy flavor. Quick to make, it’s a must-try for gourmet dining at home!

Step 1
Warm the milk gently, add the Parmesan, and let it soak for around 25 minutes. Stir in the whipping cream, then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 2
Strain the mixture through the Mosa Funnel & Sieve directly into a 0.5 L Mosa Whipper. Attach one Mosa Cream Charger and shake vigorously.

Step 3
Refrigerate the Whipper for at least 6 hours before serving. Tip: For a twist, try adding a pinch of nutmeg or garlic powder to the mixture before heating.
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