Peppermint Vinegar Recipe

Peppermint Vinegar Recipe


420ml white balsamic vinegar
35g peppermint leaves

Elevate your salads and marinades with our refreshing peppermint vinegar, a zesty twist that adds a delightful herbal kick to any dish.

Step 1
Roughly tear the peppermint leaves and place them in the Mosa Master whipper with the white balsamic vinegar.

Step 2
Unscrew a Mosa Cream Charger, shake the Master whipper vigorously 5 times, and let it steep for 15 minutes.

Step 3
After steeping, vent the Master whipper quickly by pressing the lever. Unscrew the head and remove the sieve and seal.

Step 4
Pour the infused vinegar into a glass using the Mosa Funnel & Sieve.
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