Tomato Foam Recipe

Tomato Foam Recipe


100ml Whipping cream
2 Pinches of salt
100ml vegtable stock
1g sugar
2 pinches of pepper
300g tomato(es)

Bright and zesty, this tomato foam is a refreshing addition to soups and salads. Quick to make and bursting with flavor!

Step 1
Lightly simmer ripe tomatoes in vegetable stock, then blend until smooth. Add whipping cream and season with salt and pepper.

Step 2
Strain through the Mosa Funnel & Sieve directly into a 0.5 L Mosa Whipper. Attach one Mosa Cream Charger and shake vigorously.

Step 3 (Optional) - Inject into small pastries and garnish with fresh basil before serving.

Note: Use the Mosa 5 mm short injector tip for this recipe.
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