Warm Potato Espuma Recipe

Warm Potato Espuma Recipe

Creamy and comforting, this warm potato espuma is a velvety delight that elevates any dish. Quick to prepare and full of flavor!

Step 1
Peel and cook potatoes in salted water until tender. Strain but avoid pureeing. Mix with hot milk, potato water, and butter.

Step 2
Season with nutmeg and salt, then pour into the 0.5 L Mosa Whipper while hot. Use heat protection, as the bottle will be very warm.

Step 3
Attach one Mosa Cream Charger, shake vigorously, and serve immediately. Alternatively, keep warm in a bain-marie at a maximum of 75°C. Caution: Avoid placing the Mosa Thermo Whip or Thermo XPress Whip in the bain-marie.

Mosa Tip: The puree is excellent for gratination. For a refined touch, season with truffle oil. For a 1 L Whipper, double the ingredients and use two Mosa Cream Chargers. Halve for a 0.25 L Whipper.
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